
Make sure that your welcome module is enabled before configuring the welcome module (!module welcome to enable, and !module list to see if it's enabled).

Setting Up Welcome Module

The command used for setting up the welcome module is welcome, which has a set of other subcommands that allows you to edit the module's current settings without the need to remember several commands.

The list below details the minimum needed permissions in order for the welcome module to function:

  • View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Embed Links


Configuring the welcome module is done with this command. This will allow for posting welcome and/or leave messages for people and utilize rich embeds and direct messages to best fit your needs. Multiple welcome messages are made possible with the !welcome add [name] feature.

There are many subcommands to the welcome module, each with their own unique purpose. This section will have a lot of information to process, so please re-read this as many times as it takes in order to set your welcome to the best fit for your community. Instead of the conventional format as seen in the previous pages, this section will have a specialized list for the subcommands and what to understand about each of them.

Welcomes will not be posted for users blocked by BlankAvatar and JoinAge.

Both !welcome and !leave have the same subcommands and will be sharing the same table.

!setwelcome, !setchannel, !settype, !setdelete, !setleave, are no longer the commands for setting up the welcome module; it has changed to !welcome and !leave. !welcome and !leave cannot be ran by on their own to start the setup process. A subcommand must be used to with the command in order to change the module's properties.

Required Permissions (Staff)


!welcome subcommand [input or arguments to set]

!leave subcommand [input or arguments to set]


Instead of the conventional example list and because there are many subcommands for the welcome and leave commands, a detailed table for all the subcommands and their applicable inputs are listed below.

Subcommand Descriptive Example


!welcome current [name]

!leave current [name]


-  Displays all current settings in the welcome module
- Optional welcome/leave name to search for when multiples are used


!welcome type embed/text

!leave type embed/text


- What kind of message do you want Gaius to send with newcomers/leavers? 

  • embed - Sends a neat customizable embedded message
  • text - Sends a regular text message

The type with the greatest freedom of customization is embed. Text is better for a short and simple design.


!welcome add name This is the welcome message!/DiscohookLink
!welcome rem name


!leave add name This is the leave message!/DiscohookLink
!leave rem name


- Adds or removes a welcome/leave to or from the list by name
- When adding a new welcome/leave, you can either:

  • Create a new welcome/leave message in the command message
  • Use a generated Discohook webbook link

!welcome channel #channel

!leave channel #channel


- Sets the designated channel for the welcome/leave


!welcome autodel #

!leave autodel #


- Sets how many seconds to wait to delete the welcome/leave message

- Using either 0 or off will turn this off


!welcome explain

!leave explain

- Displays embed formatting information



Two options are available for setting up welcomes:

  1. Making it from scratch
  2. Using pre-made templates to modify as needed.

Templates can be found below.



The Display Variables MUST be listed with line breaks and in the order in which it appears in the table below.


Display Shortcodes Shortcodes
$plain:  %user
$plain: disable %guild
$title:  %tag
$desc:  %id



Template Examples

Example #1
!welcome add $plain: plain text goes here
$title: Title
$desc: Description
$thumb: URL (or use https://%user for user avatar)
$img: URL
$field: Field name %% Content
$color: Any type of color code accepted by Discord



Example #2
!welcome add $plain: This is plaintext, it goes above the welcome message
$title: This is the title, it is in bold text at the top
$desc: This is the description of the embed, it goes directly below the title
$thumb: %user
$field: This is the field name %% This is the field value
$color: #18d76e






Q. Will kicking Gaius reset the bot?

- No, kicking/banning Gaius will never reset your settings or prefix.

Q. How do I see all the commands?

- The help command is man's best friend (not dogs).





Not yet available

If you have or find a video on Gaius specifically for what is covered in this documentation page, you can send the info to Fairy 狐 紫#0001 via DM (You must be in the support server in order to make contact).



Points of Interest

Staff Handbook
Bot Logging/Exlog
Verification Module
Anti-Spam Protection
Wordlist Filtering


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