
Make sure that your commands module is enabled before configuring the commands module (!module commands to enable, and !module list to see if it's enabled).


Creating Custom Commands

There is no configuration for the commands module. It only has three commands: learn, unlearn, and cmds. Learn tells Gaius to learn an new custom command unique for your server. Every custom command is capable of being customized for added security, utility, or fun for your community, staff, and members. Custom commands can even be used to assign special roles to people, or even remove it. Unlearn removes the custom command, and cmds lists all your community's custom commands along with their  contents and shortcodes.



Learn tells Gaius to learn an new custom command unique for your server. Every custom command is capable of being customized for added security, utility, or fun for your community, staff, and members. Custom commands can even be used to assign special roles to people, or even remove it. When using the learn command, you say !learn CommandName This is a message followed by whatever shortcodes you want to associate the new custom command with. CommandName will be the new name of the new custom command. In order to use the newly created custom command, you would say !CommandName.

Required Permissions (Staff)


Basic Examples

There isn't a need to understand the entire functional possibilities in order to use the purge command. Sometimes, only deleting a number of messages or a number of messages from a person or role is good enough. Deleting messages that contain a certain word is just as easy.


Descriptive Example



!learn yeet %content WOOHOO!


- Sends the specified response message



!learn yeet YEEETTT %target


- Targets a person to mention in the command

In this example !yeet @yeetmaster#3000 will result in a pinged message to the target user with the message saying yeet.

Mentioning one person to target will only result in the first specified person to being the target for the custom command.

This shortcode will not successfully operate as intended without the %dm shortcode for the command.



!learn yeet YEEETTT %mention


- Mentions the specified person in the command message

If no person is or userID is used in the command message, then the person who sent the command message will be mentioned instead.

At the end


!learn yeet YEEETTT %e


- Sends an embedded message

At the end


!learn yeet YEEETTT %e %c#FFFFFF


- Sends an embedded message with a specified accent color

Accent color is the left-side colored bar on the embedded message.

%c accepts any hexadecimal color code

At the end


!learn yeet YEEEEETTT %dm


- Sends the message YEEEEETTT in DMs

At the end


- For use with the 'list' option, whatever valid option from the 'list' is used will be placed here.



!learn YEEETTT WOOHOO! --deny=: @Troll Role


- Denies the permission of a certain role from using the command

You can use more than one role for this shortcode

At the end


!learn yeet YEEETTT --role=: @Butterscotch


- Toggles, adds, or removes a role from whomever uses the command

You can use more than one role for this shortcode

At the end


!learn yeet YEEETTT --list=@role1,@role2


- A list of valid inputs for the custom command


At the end

%admin, %mod, %helper

!learn CommandName This is a message %mod


- Learns !commandname and only allows mods to use the command

At the end


!learn yeet YEEETTT %cd 10


- Sets the cooldown for the command to 10 seconds

The maximum limit for cooldown is 9,999,999

At the end


A very simple command to remove a currently existing custom command from your community. Once the command is deleted, it's deleted for good unless you re-add the custom command with the learn command.


!unlearn CommandName



Another very simple command for the commands module. This command will display all of the custom commands within your community along with each of their contents and relative shortcodes.






Q. Will kicking Gaius reset the bot?

- No, kicking/banning Gaius will never reset your settings or prefix.

Q. How do I see all the commands?

- The help command is man's best friend (not dogs).





Not yet available

If you have or find a video on Gaius specifically for what is covered in this documentation page, you can send the info to Fairy 狐 紫#0001 via DM (You must be in the support server in order to make contact).



Points of Interest

Staff Handbook
Bot Logging/Exlog
Verification Module
Anti-Spam Protection
Wordlist Filtering


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