Channel Management

These commands allow you to have some control over some channels and keep out unwanted or unwelcomed guests.



Manage Channels
Manage Permissions

Locks are small "freezes" that simply disables @everyone's ability to speak in the channel. This is useful in situations where reporting is needed for serious raids or trolls who have sent some malicious content. 

Lock light allows you to keep certain people from speaking while keeping the channel free and available to your regulars or trusted members, which is useful for countering raid and trolls if you have a role designed for every newcomer in your community.


Command Descriptive Example



- Locks the channel from everyone

!lock light [channel] [role]

!lock light @Troll Role


- Locks the current channel from the specified role

!lock light #general @Troll Role


- Locks the specified channel from the specified role

!unlock light [channel] [role]

!unlock light @Troll Role


- Unlocks the current channel from the specified role

!unlock light #general @Troll Role


- Unlocks the specified channel from the specified role




- Unlocks the channel for everyone





This feature is reserved for Gaius Plus only. Learn more.

Manage Channels
Manage Permissions

Freeze the server by denying everyone permission to speak or add reactions, for after raid clean up and mid-raid stopping. Thaw a server from "freeze" restoring all previous permissions that were present before the freeze. A channel thaw is possible in cases in which there are channels that are okay for community members to talk in while a freeze is on place. Thawing roles and individual people are also possible with the thaw command.

If something goes wrong with your permissions or if you would like to go back to a certain "thaw" point because some perms were lost or wrong after another thaw, you can thaw recover the server to a certain point. Please note that you will not have any recoveries available during your first freeze because the server has not been thawed for its first time. Every server thaw will save a snapshot of permissions for the channels involved and give it a unique ID (timestamp). If you are uncertain of the timestamp, you can simply say thaw recover, and you will be given the list of currently available timestamps to choose from.


Command Descriptive Example



- Freezes all channels from all non-admins

!thaw recover [timestamp]

!thaw recover [timestamp]


- Recovers an old backup of previously saved permissions

The timestamp is a unique ID generated every time a server is frozen and then thawed.

You will not have any recoveries available during your first freeze.

!thaw channel/role/member

!thaw #general


- Restores the specified channel's permissions for everyone

!thaw @Moderator


- Restores the specified role's ability to see channels and speak in the server

!thaw @TrustySteed#3000


- Restores the specified person's ability to see channels and speak in the server






Q. Will kicking Gaius reset the bot?

- No, kicking/banning Gaius will never reset your settings or prefix.

Q. Why can't a see my timestamps?

- Timestamps are only made after each time a server thaw has been made, so no timestamp will be available during the first ever server freeze.

Q. How do I see all the commands?

- The help command is man's best friend (not dogs).





Not yet available

If you have or find a video on Gaius specifically for what is covered in this documentation page, you can send the info to Fairy 狐 紫#0001 via DM (You must be in the support server in order to make contact).



Points of Interest

Staff Handbook
Bot Logging/Exlog
Verification Module
Anti-Spam Protection
Wordlist Filtering


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