Banned Words and Filters
Wordlist Management
REQUIRES: Manage messages
Banned word example |
Bans a word by adding it to a specified wordlist. If no word list is specified, then banned words will be added to the "local" wordlist. You may upload a text file (.txt) with a list of words separated by a new line instead.
Command | Descriptive Example |
!banword word/phrase |
- Bans the word and adds it to the "local" wordlist |
!banword name ListName word/phrase |
- Bans the word and adds it to the Naughty wordlist |
!banword insert your regex here %regex |
- Bans a custom regex Regex is a complicated matter, which may result in unexpected filter behavior. |
!unbanword word/phrase
!unbanword name ListName word/phrase
!unbanword id WordID#
- Unbans and removes the word from the "local" wordlist !banword name Naughty nibba
- Unbans and removes the word from the Naughty wordlist
- Unbans the word based on its unique ID number |
Variable | Description |
%whole | Only the exact match |
%begin | Only from the beginning of words |
%end | Only from the end of words |
%case | Case-sensitive (100% match only) |
%mute | Auto permanent mute |
%mute # | Auto mute for certain amount of minutes |
%warn | Auto warn |
%kick | Auto kick |
%softban | Auto softban |
%ban | Auto ban |
%ban # | Auto ban for certain amount of days |
%name |
Only applies to names/nicknames |
Only matches the word or phrase against the name censor ONLY to new members who join the server |
%hoist |
De-hoists people who try to get to the top of the alphabetical member list on the right side if they have a particular name or symbol
The %name nor %begin flag are needed when using the %hoist flag |
EXAMPLE: !banword b[il1]+t{2,}(er|a)' %regex |
Applies your given regex
EXAMPLE: Blocks common variations of the word bitter |
Posts a log through the Notifications logging channel |
(REQUIRES: Notifications logging enabled) |
Posts a log through the Notifications logging channel
This will not delete the banned word. |
You can filter usernames based on your banned words with !auto name
which checks whenever someone joins your server or whenever a name is updated.
(Learn more)
Command | Descriptive Example |
!wordlist list |
- Displays the list of current wordlists in the server along with their info |
!wordlist view name [serverid] [readable] |
- Sends a list of banned words in an editable .json file It is entirely optional to use a server ID and "readable" in the command. The server ID is primarily meant for cases in which the wordlist did not originate in your server, and that the wordlist is added to your server with the Typing "readable" at the end of the command will output a .txt file instead of .json. This is easier for when you only want to look at it and not re-upload an edited version of the file. |
!wordlist create ListName |
- Creates a new wordlist with a name It is possible to use an edited .json file, template can be found with |
!wordlist delete ListName |
- Deleted the wordlist form the server |
!wordlist formfile |
- Sends a .json template for banning words in bulk when uploading a .json file This is useful for when using the |
!wordlist add/rem name serverid |
- Removes another server's non-locked wordlist to yours
- Removes another server's non-locked wordlist from yours |
!wordlist clear name |
- Clears all banned words from the wordlist without deleting the wordlist |
!wordlist update name *attach a file* |
- Replaces ALL words with words that are listed in the uploaded file |
!wordlist addflag/remflag name flag |
- Adds the mute flag to ALL WORDS in the wordlist
- Removes the mute flag from ALL WORDS in the wordlist |
Command | Descriptive Example |
!managelist applyto/unapplyto name [serverid] channel/role |
- Applies the wordlist to only the target channel, meaning that only the specified channel is where the wordlist will be enforced
- Removes the wordlist enforcement from the given role\ Unapply will always override an Applied role or channel Adding a serverID clarifies which wordlist to apply/unapply. If no serverID is provided, then the first wordlist with the given name will be used. |
!managelist applyto/unapplyto current |
- Displays the current list of roles and channels to which a wordlist has been applied to
- Displays the current list of roles and channels to which a wordlist has been unapplied to |
!managelist lock/unlock name |
- Prevents other servers from viewing the wordlist's contents
- Allows other servers to view the wordlist contents |
!managelist public/private name |
- Allows other servers to "wordlist add" the specified wordlist
- Disables other servers from adding your wordlist |
!managelist enable/disable name [serverid] |
- Enables a wordlist that was added from "wordlist add" This will immediately put the enabled wordlist into moderating effect
- Disables the wordlist enforcement and keeps the wordlist |
!managelist merge/unmerge name serverid |
- Merges another server's non-locked wordlist to yours This will not immediately put the merged wordlist into moderating effect
- Removes another server's non-locked wordlist from your local filter |
Command | Description |
!filter ignore [invert] #channel url/invite/text/auto/activity |
- Ignores url filters in the channel
- Ignores text filters in all channels except for #general |
!filter recog [invert] #channel url/invite/text/auto/activity |
- Re-enables url filters in the channel
- Re-enables url filters in all channels except for #general |
!filter view [ignores] |
- Displays currently active filters in the server
- Displays all currently active filter ignores in the server |
!filter url/invite |
- Toggles the url or invite filter |
!whitelist list |
- Lists the current whitelisted links and domains |
!whitelist add/rem link |
- Adds the domain name to the filters' whitelist |
Channel Types
Command | Descriptive Example |
!ct #OptionalChannel type |
!ct #memes image
- Sets the channel type for the (specified) channel |
!ct #OptionalChannel type off |
!ct image off
- Removes the channel type for the (specified) channel |
Type | Description |
image | Only allow image attachments without text or url |
url | Allows urls as well but no other text is allowed |
text | Allows text only if accompanied by a url or attachment |
REQUIRES: Manage Messages
Block user or role tags in chat so that the message is automatically deleted. You can either define a custom message or let the bot default one for you.
Command |
Descriptive Exmaple |
!blocktag role/member |
- Blocks the given user/role from being mentioned |
!unblocktag ID |
!unblocktag 104425482757357568 !unblocktag @Tommyfoxy2#0001 !unblocktag @Staff
- Removes the existing blocktag restriction from the user/role |