
REQUIRES: Ban, Kick or Manage Roles (if mute).




Sets the account age restriction for the server as well as the punishments executed upon violation.

Command Descriptive Example
!setjoinage current

!setjoinage current


- Displays current settings.

!setjoinage off

!setjoinage off


- Disables setjoinage

!setjoinage punishment mute/kick/ban #days/#d #h #m #s

!setjoinage punishment mute 6d


- Mutes accounts under the age of 6 days.

!setjoinage punishment kick 5h 30m


- Kicks accounts under the age of 5 hours and 30 minutes.

!setjoinage punishment ban 30m


- Bans accounts under the age of 30 minutes.

!setjoinage #days/#d #h #m #s

!setjoinage 3


- Kicks accounts under the age of 3 days.

!passport userid

!passport 507121360833609730


- Allows that user to bypass joinage.