Staff Handbook

This page is used for quick command references for mods and helpers for moderating and keeping their community safe. For more details on the commands, please see relative pages for each of the modules/sections.




General Moderation

These commands are for the majority of the basic moderation commands ranging from warns to bans, and even voice chat tools.



Command Descriptive Example
!modlogs enable/disable !modlogs enable
!modlogs delete User !modlogs delete @ModGod#3000
!modlogs User !modlogs @ModGod#3000




Descriptive Example

!warn member [reason]

!warn @yeetmaster#3000 Not sharing popcorn


- Warns the person

!bulkwarn WarnedUserID % Moderator % Reason
Warned User % Moderator % Reason
Warned User % Moderator % Reason

!bulkwarn 507121360831234530 % 507121360833609730 % trolling
507121360812349730 % 507121360833612730 % trolling
512341360812309730 % 512321360833609730 % trolling
507121123123609730 % 507121360833612330 % trolling


- Sends a warning to multiple people

- This must be used in this syntax or it will not work as intended

!rewarn warnID/member [New reason here]

!rewarn 638 Did not share popcorn


- Updates the reason for an existing warning

!warnlist member

!warnlist @Yeetmaster#3000


- Displays all the warnings the person has

!warnlist reason search text

!warnlist reason yeet


- Displays all warnings with the specified text

!warnlist mod member

!warnlist mod @ModGod#3000


- Displays all warnings the mod has sent

!warnlist all

!warnlist all


- Displays all warnings in your server

!pardon WarnID

!pardon 68


- Pardons the warn



Command Descriptive Example

!mute member [time] [reason]

!mute @yeetmaster#3000 999999999d No


- Mutes the person

- Time length types: 1d 1h 1m 1s

!unmute member

!unmute @yeetmaster#3000


- Unmutes the person




- Displays all active mutes in the server



Command Descriptive Example

!kick member [reason]

!kick @yeetmaster#3000 Not sharing popcorn


- Kicks the person from the server

!kick member member [reason]

!kick @yeetmaster#3000 @yettmaster#3001


- Kicks multiple people

!softban member [reason]

!softban @yeetmaster#3000 telling movie spoilers


- Kicks a person and clears their messages from today



Command Descriptive Example

!ban mention/UserID reason

!ban @yeetmaster#3000 Not sharing popcorn


- Bans the person from the server

!unban username

!unban 356436845136545


- Unbans the person from the server

!tempban mention/UserID time reason

!tempban @yeetmaster#3000 3d 2m 1s Not sharing


- Temporarily bans someone from the server

- Time length types: 1d 1h 1m 1s




- Lists all active temporary bans in the server





- Lists all active bans in the server


Voice Chat Tools


Descriptive Example

!vcmute member [time]

!vcmute @yeetmaster#3000 Popcorn noises


- Voice mutes the person for X minutes

!vcunmute member

!vcunmute @yeetmaster#3000


- Voice unmutes the person

!vckick member

!vckick @yeetmaster#3000 @yeetmaster#3001


- Kicks user(s) from the voice channel




Message Moderation

These commands will help keep your community walls, boards, floors, and chats clean, calm, and collective.



Command Descriptive Example

!purge amount 

!purge 10


- Deletes the amount of messages

!purge amount @mention

!purge 10 @yeetmaster#3000


- Deletes the amount of messages from the person

!purge amount @role

!purge 10 @Troll Role


- Deletes the amount of messages sent by anyone with the role

!purge amount text

!purge 10 yeet


- Deletes the amount of messages with that text/letter



Command Descriptive Example



- Displays all current slowmode settings

!slowmode server off/number

!slowmode server 5


- Sets slowmode in the entire server to 5 seconds

!slowmode channel off/number

!slowmode #general 5


- Sets slowmode in a certain channel to 5 seconds


Channel Locks

Command Descriptive Example




- Disables @everyone perms to talk in that channel

!lock light role

!lock light @Troll Role


- Locks the channel to a certain role




- Re-enables @everyone perms to talk in that channel




- Removes all channel permissions

- Disables @everyone perms to talk in that channel


Do not ever use this command a second time in a row.

This command requires administrator before and during freeze and thaw or else channel permissions will not be properly restored.




- Restores the server to its previous state

The warning above is a requirement in order to properly restore the server to its previous state before the freeze command was made.




Verification Moderation

There is only one command which provides a powerful means to help a newcomer with their verification woes.


Manual Verification

Command Descriptive Example
!manualverify member

!manualverify @yeetmaster#3000


- Manually verifies a person into the server




Ticket Moderation

These commands enable the staff to manage and moderate the modmail or tickets in the community. The send command is a public command that anyone can use.


Ticket Moderation

Command  Descriptive Example



- Sends a completely private ticket to the server staff


!assign userID ticketID

!assign userID ticketID


- Opens the ticket and assigns it to the staff

!unassign userID ticketID

!unassign userID ticketID


- Unassigns a staff from the ticket

!closeticket ticketID

!closeticket ticketID


- Closes and marks the ticket as done and deletes the channel
- If requested, creates a full dump of the channel

!ticketstatus ticketID

!ticketstatus ticketID


- Displays the ticket status

!blockticket userID

!blockticket userID


- Prevents that user from sending tickets

!unblock userID

!unblock userID


- Re-allows that user to send tickets




Information Gathering

These commands help you gather publicly available information about a user, role, or channel, which can be helpful in making moderation decisions or working with a configuration setup.


General Information


Descriptive Example

!getid channel/role/member

!getid #server-news


- Displays the ID of whatever was mentioned

!user member

!user @yeetmaster#3000


- Displays detailed information about a user

!get member

!get 507121360833609730


- Displays basic public information on a person

!rapsheet member

!rapsheet @yeetmaster#3000


- Displays a person's punishment history

!roleinfo role

!roleinfo @Troll Role


- Displays detailed information about a role




- Displays detailed information about the server




Name Moderation

Only one command for managing the nicknames of people with less tasteful, hard to read, or harmful names.



Command Description
!nick member newNickname

!nick @yeetmaster#3000 I don't share popcorn


- Changes a person's display name





The say command is a powerful tool for adding embedded messages, sending messages through the bot, or having a little fun.


Say Command(Sending Messages with Gaius)

Command Description
!say [optional #channel] Message here.

!say Please share popcorn on movie night!


- Sends a plain text in the channel

!say [optional #channel] %e Message here.

!say #important-messages %e Please share popcorn on movie night!


- Sends an embedded message

!say [optional #channel] %e %c#000000 Message here.

!say #important-messages %e %c#FFFFFF Please share popcorn on movie night!


- Sends an embedded message with a color hex tag