
Leveling Tuning


Set a channel, member, or role to be ignored by the leveling system for xp gain. You can specify whether you wish to ignore text xp, voice xp, or all xp. If nothing is specified, then all xp will be ignored. You can use 'list' to get a list of current ignores.

Command Description Example
>ignore [/text/all] role/channel/member Ignores XP gain for text, VC, or both for a role, channel, or user >ignore text @BillyBob#0000
>ignore vc @IgnoreRole
>ignore all #bot-channel
>ignore list Lists the current ignores in the server >ignore list


Remove an experience ignore from a member, channel, or role. You can also list all ignores with 'list'.

Command Description Example
>recog role/channel/member Unignores XP gain for a role, channel, or user >recog @BillyBob#0000
>recog @IgnoreRole
>recog #bot-channel


Command Tuning


Restrict usage of a command or module to a member, role, or channel, which overrides original command permissions.

Command Description Example
>restrict command member/ID Restricts usage to a user >restrict level @User
>restrict command role/ID Restricts usage to a role >restrict level @Role
>restrict command channel/ID Restricts usage to a channel >restrict level #channel



Allow usage of a command or module to member, role, channel, or entire server, which overrides original command permissions.

Command Description Example
>allow command member/ID Allows usage to a user >allow level @User
>allow command role/ID Allows usage to a role >allow level @Role
>allow command channel/ID Allows usage to a channel >allow level #channel
>allow command guild Allows usage to the entire server >allow level guild



Block usage of a command or module to a member, role, or in a specific channel, overriding original command permissions.

Command Description Example
>block command member/ID Blocks usage from a user >block level @User
>block command role/ID Blocks usage from a role >block level @Role
>block command channel/ID Blocks usage from a channel >block level #channel
>block command guild Blocks usage from the entire server >block level guild



Free a command of all, or specific, permission overrides. You can either leave the type blank, or provide a channel, role, member, or 'guild' to specify which overrides to remove.

Command Description Example
>free command [type] Frees all permissions tuning for the command  >free level
>free command User/ID Frees permissions tuning of that type for the command  >free level @BillyBob#0000
>free command role/ID Frees permissions tuning of that type for the command  >free level @NotActuallyIgnoreRole
>free command channel/ID Frees permissions tuning of that type for the command  >free level #not-actually-bot-channel
>free command guild Frees permissions tuning for the command in the entire server >free level guild