
A useful overview of what your staff can use.



Gives or sets a member or role text/voice xp or amount of levels. You can set a members xp with 'set'.

Command Description Example
>award member/role #xp [text/voice] Awards a member or role a certain amount of text or voice xp >award @MemeMan 10 text
>award member/role level #level [text/voice] Awards a member or role a certain amount of levels >award @TheChad level 5 voice
>award member/role set #xp [text/voice] Sets a member or role to a certain text or voice xp >award @CoolCats set 500 text
>award member/role set level #level [text/voice] Sets a member or role to a certain level >award @NPC set level 5



Removes a certain amount (or all) of a member's (text or voice) xp. Providing 'left' removes all xp from members no longer in the server.

Command Description Example
>reclaim all/#xp amount [text/voice] member Resets the users XP, optionally reward roles too >reclaim all voice @SmolPanda
>reclaim left

Removes level data for users not in the server anymore

>reclaim left



Tests a specific member's permissions for a specified module or command.

Command Description Example
>testperm command/module member Tests a specified user's perms for a command or module >testperm level @JohnDoe



Begins the debug process for a specific user for vc xp gain. Notifications will be sent in the channel the command was used in. Useful checking if a user is gaining xp or how much xp is being gained.

Command Description Example
>testvc [member] Begins the debug process for a specific user for vc xp gain. >testperm @JingleJangle



Level Up Note

For premium owners using the Tree Leveling, users can do >level up  to redo their choices.