

Command Description
>module games Enable/Disable the module
>checkers @UserMention Starts Checkers game (see details below)

Starts Connect 4 game (see details below)

>sweep Starts Minesweeper game (see details below)




1. Moves are made by capital or lowercase letter-number pairs: A1, b2, c3, etc.
2. You may also move and select a piece at the same time by selecting a piece with the first space pair and moving with the second space pair (Example: a6 b5).
3. Invalid moves will get a notification from the bot.
4. The bot will automatically detect double jumps, but are not enforced.
5. Deselect the piece with change or by saying its current spot.
6. Automatic win condition is determined when your opponent no longer has any pieces.


Command Description
>checkers @UserMention Starts the game
(A-H#) Selects a piece if valid (Deselects if repeated)
(A-H#) (If piece is selected) Moves the piece if move is valid
(A-H#) (A-H#) Selects and moves the piece if piece and move are valid
change  Deselects current piece
forfeit Quits current game and declares other player as winner
recall Recalls current game if lost in channel



Classic connect 4 game. Ping another member to play, and click the reactions to drop pieces in. To leave a current game, use the 'leave' subcommand, or a mod can use 'forcequit' to end any leftover games.

Command Description
>connect4 @member Begins a game of Connect4
>connect4 leave/forcequit Leaves the current game or mod can forcequit leftover games




1. Board is customizable
The "x" must be included
2. :arrow_upper_left:"Reveal" button - Reveals the specified space for any bombs
3. :triangular_flag_on_post:"Marker" button - Marks the specified space as a bomb
4. :x:"Cancel Selection" button - Allows you to change the specified space selection or cancel a flag
5. :flag_white:: "Quit Game" button - Quits the current game
6. At game start, type space location, then click the desired action button to continue.


Command Description
>sweep Begins a default game
recall If lost, recalls game session to bottom of channel
>sweep forcequit Forces the game to end